Mechanisms of action of the principal prolific genes and their application to sheep production
C. J. H. Souza A F , A. González-Bulnes B , B. K. Campbell C , A. S. McNeilly D and D. T. Baird EA Embrapa Pecuária Sul, Rodovia BR 153 km 595, Cx. Postal 242, Vila Industrial – Zona Rural, CEP 96401-970, Bagé – RS, Brazil.
B Departamento de Reproducción Animal, INIA, Avda Puerta de Hierro s/n, 28040–Madrid, Spain.
C School of Human Development, University of Nottingham, D Floor East Block, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK.
D MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, 49 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SB, UK.
E Department of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Centre for Reproductive Biology, 49 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SB, UK.
F To whom correspondence should be addressed. email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16(4) 395-401
Accepted: 23 March 2004 Published: 6 July 2004
The prolificacy variation in sheep makes it an excellent animal model to understand the mechanisms regulating ovulation rate. Identification of mutations responsible for the increased prolificacy of the Inverdale, Booroola, Javanese, Cambridge and Belclare sheep open new avenues of investigation for the paracrine control of folliculogenesis. To date, all known mutations are in genes from ligands or receptors of the transforming growth factor β superfamily, and point to the bone morphogenetic protein family of peptides as local regulators of ovarian follicle growth. The mechanism of action of the mutated genes is not fully understood, but results in the ovulation of a higher number of follicles with smaller diameter and fewer granulosa cells than that of the wildtype, thus speeding the differentiation of ovulatory follicles. Comparisons of the performance of Booroola-crossed flocks in different countries showed that carriers of the prolificacy mutation have higher ewe productivity but also higher perinatal mortality and lighter weight lambs. Their economic impact on the sheep industry depends on farm environment and management. Nevertheless, the diagnostic tests now available to identify the genetic mutations resulting in increased ovulation rate, will simplify the introduction of these mutations and their monitoring in flocks for research and commercial purposes.
Extra keywords: Booroola, Inverdale, mutation, ovulation rate, prolific sheep.
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