Effect of ovariectomy and graft position on cryopreserved common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) ovarian tissue following xenografting to nude mice
M. Cleary A B C , M. C. J. Paris A , J. Shaw A , G. Jenkin A and A. Trounson AA Centre for Early Human Development, Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia.
B Monash IVF, Level 4, Epworth Hospital, 89 Bridge Road, Richmond, Victoria 3121, Australia.
C To whom correspondence should be addressed. email: michelle.cleary@med.monash.edu.au
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 15(6) 333-342 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD03063
Submitted: 4 September 2003 Accepted: 18 November 2003 Published: 18 November 2003
Ovarian tissue xenografting may be applied to increase the population size of rare or endangered animals. However, optimal grafting conditions, such as graft position and recipient hormonal status, are yet to be established. The present study, using common wombat ovarian tissue, showed that development of xenografted ovarian tissue to the antral follicle stage can be achieved irrespective of graft position. However, increased graft recovery rates and follicle survival were evident after grafting under the kidney capsule compared with grafting to subcutaneous sites. No increase in follicle development was observed after placing grafts both under the kidney capsule and subcutaneously in the one recipient compared with grafts placed under the kidney capsule alone or subcutaneously alone. Removal of the recipient’s own ovaries at the time of grafting accelerated graft follicle development, with antral follicles seen by Week 12 after grafting compared with by Week 16 in recipients that retained their own ovaries. More oocytes were collected from xenograft recipients receiving hormonal stimulation before collection compared with non-stimulated recipients. No oocytes were mature (extruded a polar body) at the time of collection or after a subsequent period of in vitro maturation. This is the first study to demonstrate that antral follicle development can occur and oocytes can be collected from xenografted common wombat ovarian tissue.
Extra keywords: marsupial
The authors thank VetrePharm (London, Ontario, Canada) for the kind donation of porcine FSH and LH, Alex Krstic and Ken and June Clements for their help with tissue collection and Anne O’Connor for running the FSH assay.
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