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Reproduction, Fertility and Development Reproduction, Fertility and Development Society
Vertebrate reproductive science and technology

Seasonal reproduction and delayed sexual maturity in mound-building mice Mus spicilegus

Patrick Gouat A B , Christophe Féron A and Simone Demouron A
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A Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée, Université de Paris Nord, FRE CNRS 2413, 93430 Villetaneuse, France.

B To whom correspondence should be addressed. email:

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 15(3) 187-195
Submitted: 18 December 2002  Accepted: 22 May 2003   Published: 22 May 2003


In the mound-building mouse, Mus spicilegus, which is found from Central to Eastern Europe, reproduction is seasonal and limited to spring and summer. In autumn, the mice build voluminous mounds composed of vegetable matter covered with earth, where juvenile animals (autumnal individuals) over-winter in groups without reproducing. Autumnal animals delay reproduction until the next spring when they are 6 months old. The influence and interactions of environmental (short light period and cold temperature (C conditions) compared with long light period and temperate temperature (T conditions)) and social factors (lack of odours from breeding adults (NB conditions) compared with presence of odours from breeding adults (B conditions)) on reproduction and sexual maturation were studied. Forty groups of three autumnal individuals (two males and a female or two females and a male) were placed in four experimental conditions (CB, CNB, TB and TNB), corresponding to interactions between environmental and social factors (n = 10 groups for each condition). Of the 40 groups only one initiated reproduction during the 18 weeks of cohabitation. Subsequently, animals were separated and isolated for 1 month and then paired with unfamiliar partners. Reproduction was monitored for an additional month, and 24 out of 39 females reproduced. In addition, of eight reproducing pairs placed in C conditions and 10 reproducing pairs maintained in T conditions, all but one pair continued reproduction. It was concluded that the delay in reproduction observed in autumnal individuals was the result of the social effects of living in groups as opposed to the environmental conditions of winter.


We thank Claude Baudoin and Nicolas Busquet for their critical reading of the manuscript, and Lavinia Bruneau for revision of the English version of the manuscript.


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