Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 23 Number 3 2017
PY16152Are changes in Australian national primary healthcare policy likely to promote or impede equity of access? A narrative review
PY15168Role of information and communication technology in promoting oral health at residential aged care facilities
PY16093Barriers to accessing primary health care: comparing Australian experiences internationally
PY16093 Abstract | PY16093 Full Text | PY16093PDF (191 KB) Open Access Article
PY16135Reducing recurrence of bacterial skin infections in Aboriginal children in rural communities: new ways of thinking, new ways of working
PY16135 Abstract | PY16135 Full Text | PY16135PDF (219 KB) Open Access Article
PY16110Are primary healthcare services culturally appropriate for Aboriginal people? Findings from a remote community
PY16033Workforce insights on how health promotion is practised in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service
PY16082Are low-to-middle-income households experiencing food insecurity in Victoria, Australia? An examination of the Victorian Population Health Survey, 2006–2009
PY16053‘It depends on the consultation’: revisiting use of family members as interpreters for general practice consultations – when and why?
PY16076Do rates of depression vary by level of alcohol misuse in Australian general practice?
PY16076 Abstract | PY16076 Full Text | PY16076PDF (108 KB) Open Access Article
PY16104Western Australian students' alcohol consumption and expenditure intentions for Schoolies
PY16115Correlates of sexually transmissible infection testing among a sample of at-risk young Australians
PY16120‘We didn’t have to dance around it’: opt-out HIV testing among homeless and marginalised patients
PY16120 Abstract | PY16120 Full Text | PY16120PDF (410 KB) Open Access Article