Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 23 Number 2 2017
PY16141Persistent pain management in Australian general practice
Felicity C. Veal, Angus J. Thompson, Luke R. Bereznicki and Gregory M. Peterson
pp. 105-106
PY16039When colocation is not enough: a case study of General Practitioner Super Clinics in Australia
Riki Lane, Grant Russell, Elizabeth A. Bardoel, Jenny Advocat, Nicholas Zwar, P. Gawaine Powell Davies and Mark F. Harris
pp. 107-113
PY16039 Abstract | PY16039 Full Text | PY16039PDF (132 KB) Open Access Article
PY15175Mapping access to health services as a strategy for planning: access to primary care for older people in regional Queensland
Rebecca Evans, Sarah Larkins, Tracy Cheffins, Rhonda Fleming, Karen Johnston and Marc Tennant
pp. 114-122
PY15131Research culture and capacity in community health services: results of a structured survey of staff
Emma L. Friesen and Elizabeth J. Comino
pp. 123-131
PY15159Variations in perceived primary healthcare access across family structures and their predictors in adolescents
Kénora Chau, Jean-Charles Vauthier and Bernard Kabuth
pp. 132-139
PY16012Reducing emergency department presentations among chronically ill patients in Western Sydney: a key role for coordinated primary care
Kylie-Ann Mallitt, Justin McNab, Rod Hughes, Joanne Fernyhough, Janis Paterson and Di O'Halloran
pp. 140-146
PY16002Perspectives of Australian general practitioners on shared care for paediatric patients
Erin Turbitt, Marina Kunin, Sarah Gafforini, Lena Sanci, Neil Spike and Gary L. Freed
pp. 147-153
PY16065The emergence of integrated approaches to worker health, safety and wellbeing in Australia
Nerida Joss, Eliette Dupré-Husser, Amanda Cooklin and Brian Oldenburg
pp. 154-161
PY16022Home care packages: insights into the experiences of older people leading up to the introduction of consumer directed care in Australia
Jenny Day, Ann Clare Thorington Taylor, Peter Summons, Pamela Van Der Riet, Sharyn Hunter, Jane Maguire, Sophie Dilworth, Helen Bellchambers, Sarah Jeong, Gunilla Haydon, Margaret Harris and Isabel Higgins
pp. 162-169
PY15191Findings from a clinical audit in regional general practice of management of patients following acute coronary syndrome
Mithilesh Dronavalli, Manavi M. Bhagwat, Sandy Hamilton, Marisa Gilles, Jacquie Garton-Smith and Sandra C. Thompson
pp. 170-177
PY16021Nutritional care of older patients: experiences of general practitioners and practice nurses
Jane Winter, Sarah A. McNaughton and Caryl A. Nowson
pp. 178-182
PY15190Surviving or thriving in the primary health care research workforce: the Australian experience
Jodie Oliver-Baxter, Lynsey Brown and Ellen McIntyre
pp. 183-188
PY16024The reach and flow of health information in two Aboriginal communities: a social network analysis
Scott Winch, Nageen Ahmed, Christopher Rissel, Michelle Maxwell, Joanna Coutts and Kerri Lucas
pp. 189-195
PY16054Barriers and enablers to malnutrition screening of community-living older adults: a content analysis of survey data by Australian dietitians
Dana L. Craven, Fiona E. Pelly, Elisabeth Isenring and Geoff P. Lovell
pp. 196-201
PY16088Socioeconomic status as a factor in Indigenous and non-Indigenous children with hearing loss: analysis of national survey data
Andrea Simpson, Joanne C. Enticott and Jacinta Douglas
pp. 202-207
PY16088_COCorrigendum to: Socioeconomic status as a factor in Indigenous and non-Indigenous children with hearing loss: analysis of national survey data
Andrea Simpson, Joanne C. Enticott and Jacinta Douglas
pp. 208-208