Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 22 Number 2 2016
PY14177The community network: an Aboriginal community football club bringing people together. Who or what is making the assists to score social goals?
Daniel Parnell and Kevin Hylton
pp. 69-70
PY14148Building links between town and gown: an innovative organisation in south-eastern Melbourne
Jenny Advocat, Grant Russell and Mary Mathews
pp. 71-76
PY15096Reflections on maternal health care within the Victorian Maternal and Child Health Service
Leesa Hooker, Angela Taft and Rhonda Small
pp. 77-80
PY15097Towards holistic dual diagnosis care: physical health screening in a Victorian community-based alcohol and drug treatment service
Lara Jackson, Boyce Felstead, Jahar Bhowmik, Rachel Avery and Rhonda Nelson-Hearity
pp. 81-85
PY15070The practice manager role and relevance to general practice-based research: a review of the literature
Anna Wood, Jane Hocking and Meredith Temple-Smith
pp. 86-92
PY14179Usability of patient experience surveys in Australian primary health care: a scoping review
Karen Gardner, Anne Parkinson, Michelle Banfield, Ginny M. Sargent, Jane Desborough and Kanupriya Kalia Hehir
pp. 93-99
PY14114Establishing components of cultural competence healthcare models to better cater for the needs of migrants with disability: a systematic review
Sarah Jamison Olaussen and Andre M. N. Renzaho
pp. 100-112
PY14072Advanced training for primary care and general practice nurses: enablers and outcomes of postgraduate education
Christine M. Hallinan and Kelsey L. Hegarty
pp. 113-122
PY14089Role of the GP liaison nurse in a community health program to improve integration and coordination of services for the chronically ill
Justin McNab, Janis Paterson, Joanne Fernyhough and Rod Hughes
pp. 123-127
PY14082Postpartum consultations in Australian general practice
Wendy E. Brodribb, Benjamin L. Mitchell and Mieke L. Van Driel
pp. 128-132
PY14067Sri Lankan-born women who have given birth in Victoria: a survey of their primary postpartum health-care needs
Irosha Nilaweera, Heather Rowe, Hau Nguyen, Joanna Burns, Frances Doran and Jane Fisher
pp. 133-139
PY14101Child obesity service provision: a cross-sectional survey of physiotherapy practice trends and professional needs
Nikki Milne, Nancy Low Choy, Gary M. Leong, Roger Hughes and Wayne Hing
pp. 140-146
PY14104‘Imagine if I gave up smoking ...’: a qualitative exploration of Aboriginal participants’ perspectives of a self-management pilot training intervention
Kimberley Chapple, Inge Kowanko, Peter Harvey, Alwin Chong and Malcolm Battersby
pp. 147-152
PY14087Ten years of hospitalisation for oral health-related conditions in Western Australia: an unjust dichotomy
Estie Kruger and Marc Tennant
pp. 153-158
PY14131Designing an online resource for people with low back pain: health-care provider perspectives
Mandy Nielsen, Gwendolen Jull and Paul W. Hodges
pp. 159-166
PY14129Australian academic primary health-care careers: a scoping survey
Christopher Barton, Joanne Reeve, Ann Adams and Ellen McIntyre
pp. 167-173