Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 19 Number 2 2013
PY11110 Perceptions of barriers to discussing and testing for sexually transmitted infections in a convenience sample of general practice patients
Joanne R. Baker, Diane E. Arnold-Reed, Tom Brett, Dana A. Hince, Ilse O'Ferrall and Max K. Bulsara
pp. 98-101
PY12032Experiences of general practices with a participatory pay-for-performance program: a qualitative study in primary care
Kirsten Kirschner, Jozé Braspenning, J. E. Annelies Jacobs and Richard Grol
pp. 102-106
PY11144 Impacts and outcomes of diabetes care in a high risk remote Indigenous community over time: implications for practice
Malcolm P. Forbes, James Ling, Sam Jones and Robyn McDermott
pp. 107-112
PY11152Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander utilisation of the Quitline service for smoking cessation in South Australia
Suzanne Cosh, Lauren Maksimovic, Kerry Ettridge, David Copley and Jacqueline A. Bowden
pp. 113-118
PY12010Associations between family history of cardiovascular disease, knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk factors and health behaviours
Rishi Sud, Bapti Roy, Jonathan Emerson and Annemarie Hennessy
pp. 119-123
PY11127Consideration of gender in diagnosis and management of blood-borne viruses: the case of hepatitis C
Anna Olsen, Meredith Temple-Smith and Cathy Banwell
pp. 124-129
PY11158From state care to self-care: cancer screening behaviours among Russian-speaking Australian women
Victoria Team, Lenore H. Manderson and Milica Markovic
pp. 130-137
PY11154'Talk to us like we're people, not an X-ray': the experience of receiving care for chronic pain
Mandy Nielsen, Michele Foster, Paul Henman and Jenny Strong
pp. 138-143
PY12035Multimorbidity is associated with higher out-of-pocket spending: a study of older Australians with multiple chronic conditions
Ian McRae, Laurann Yen, Yun-Hee Jeon, Pushpani M. Herath and Beverley Essue
pp. 144-149
PY11164Outcomes and opportunities: a nurse-led model of chronic disease management in Australian general practice
Diann S. Eley, Elizabeth Patterson, Jacqui Young, Paul P. Fahey, Chris B. Del Mar, Desley G. Hegney, Robyn L. Synnott, Rosemary Mahomed, Peter G. Baker and Paul A. Scuffham
pp. 150-158
PY12025Feasibility and acceptability of nurse-led youth clinics in Australian general practice
Kelsey Hegarty, Rhian Parker, Danielle Newton, Laura Forrest, Janelle Seymour and Lena Sanci
pp. 159-165
PY11153Using information and communication technologies to consult with patients in Victorian primary care: the views of general practitioners
Lisa Hanna and Karen Fairhurst
pp. 166-170
PY11146Attitudes of primary health care physician managers toward research: a pre-experimental study
Saulat Jahan and Basem Henary
pp. 171-176