Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 18 Number 4 2012
PY12067Cervical cancer screening and abnormalities among women in a residential drug-rehabilitation program
D. M. Tilley, S. Hristov, D. J. Templeton, N. C. Sharp and C. C. O'Connor
pp. 266-267
PY11103 Filters and hubs: shortening the distance to palliative care evidence
J. J. Tieman
pp. 268-273
PY11150Do rural primary health care nurses feel equipped for palliative care?
M. Cumming, F. Boreland and D. Perkins
pp. 274-283
PY11131 Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm: does it affect men’s quality of life?
M. Lesjak, F. Boreland, D. Lyle, J. Sidford, S. Flecknoe-Brown and J. Fletcher
pp. 284-288
PY11049 What factors contribute most to the retention of general practitioners in rural and remote areas?
Deborah J. Russell, Matthew R. McGrail, John S. Humphreys and John Wakerman
pp. 289-294
PY11050 Enhanced Primary Care improves GP service regularity in older patients without impacting on service frequency
David A. J. Gibson, Rachael E. Moorin, David Preen, Jon Emery and C. D'Arcy J. Holman
pp. 295-303
PY11091 Sustaining cardiovascular absolute risk management in Australian general practice
Ruhie Vaidya, Keval V. Pandya, Elizabeth Denney-Wilson and Mark Harris
pp. 304-307
PY11111 ‘You’re more likely to tell the GP if you’re asked’: women’s views of care from general practitioners in the first postpartum year
Stefanie Hartley, Georgina Sutherland, Stephanie Brown and Jane Yelland
pp. 308-312
PY11106 Practitioner perceptions of the use of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program with families from culturally diverse backgrounds
Alina Morawska, Matthew R. Sanders, Jennifer O'Brien, Christine McAuliffe, Sue Pope and Emily Anderson
pp. 313-320
PY11125 Clients’ experience of brief lifestyle interventions by community nurses
Bettina Christl, Bibiana Chan, Rachel Laws, Anna Williams, Gawaine Powell Davies, Mark F. Harris and The CN SNAP Trial Research Team
pp. 321-326
PY11101 Identifying intimate partner violence when screening for health and lifestyle issues among women attending general practice
Kelsey L. Hegarty, Lorna O'Doherty, Jill Astbury and Jane Gunn
pp. 327-331
PY11073 Interdisciplinary perspectives on the management of the unsettled baby: key strategies for improved outcomes
Pamela S. Douglas, Renata E. Mares and Peter S. Hill
pp. 332-338
PY11107 The Healthy Lifestyle Scale for University Students: development and psychometric testing
Wang Dong, Xing Xiao-hui and Wu Xian-bo
pp. 339-345
PY11100 Reluctant to train, reluctant to prescribe: barriers to general practitioner prescribing of opioid substitution therapy
Christine Longman, Meredith Temple-Smith, Gail Gilchrist and Nicholas Lintzeris
pp. 346-351