Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 18 Number 1 2012
PY11079 Historical overview of church involvement in health and wellbeing in Australia: implications for health promotion partnerships
Darshini Ayton, Gemma Carey, Helen Keleher and Ben Smith
pp. 4-10
PY11008 Approaches for prioritising the nutritional needs of refugee communities
Claire Palermo, Clare Robinson, Kate Robertson and Shireen Hii
pp. 11-16
PY11031 Service integration for the dually diagnosed
Karen-leigh Edward, Rhonda Nelson Hearity and Boyce Felstead
pp. 17-22
PY11035 Health home visiting for vulnerable families: what has occurred and what is yet to arrive?
Joanne M. Stubbs and Helen M. Achat
pp. 23-30
PY10085 Health care in patients 1 year post-stroke in general practice: research on the utilisation of the Dutch Transmural Protocol transient ischaemic attack/cerebrovascular accident
L. de Weerd, A. W. F. Rutgers, K. H. Groenier and K. van der Meer
pp. 42-49
PY10099 Medicine use of elderly Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants and attitudes to home medicines review
Lesley White and Christiane Klinner
pp. 50-55
PY10073 Timeliness of antenatal care for mothers of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants in an urban setting
Penelope Robinson, Elizabeth Comino, Andrew Forbes, Vana Webster and Jennifer Knight
pp. 56-61
PY10081 Validation of the research capacity and culture (RCC) tool: measuring RCC at individual, team and organisation levels
Libby Holden, Susan Pager, Xanthe Golenko and Robert S. Ware
pp. 62-67
PY10077 What influences Australian women to not drink alcohol during pregnancy?
Sandra C. Jones and Joanne Telenta
pp. 68-73
PY10072 Engaging general practice nurses in chronic disease self-management support in Australia: insights from a controlled trial in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Julia A. E. Walters, Helen Courtney-Pratt, Helen Cameron-Tucker, Mark Nelson, Andrew Robinson, Jenn Scott, Paul Turner, E. Haydn Walters and Richard Wood-Baker
pp. 74-79
PY11006 Supporting chronic disease self-management: translating policies and principles into clinical practice
Rosemary Higgins, Barbara Murphy, Marian Worcester and Angela Daffey
pp. 80-87