Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 17 Number 4 2011
Rethinking Health Inequity at a Time of Reform: Theory, Policy and Practice
PYv17n4_EDEditorial Issue 4 2011: Rethinking health inequities at a time of reform: a lost opportunity?
John Furler and Victoria Palmer
pp. 297-299
PY11054 GP and community nurse co-location in a disadvantaged community
Vanessa K. Rose, Elizabeth Harris, Elizabeth Comino, Teresa Anderson and Mark F. Harris
pp. 300-301
PY11036 Primary health care and equity: the case of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex Australians
Gabi Rosenstreich, Jude Comfort and Paul Martin
pp. 302-308
PY11034 An equity–effectiveness framework linking health programs and healthy life expectancy
David Banham, John Lynch and Jon Karnon
pp. 309-319
PY11041 Are the national preventive health initiatives likely to reduce health inequities?
Fran Baum and Matthew Fisher
pp. 320-326
PY11055 Equity of colorectal cancer screening: which groups have inequitable participation and what can we do about it?
Paul R. Ward, Sara Javanparast and Carlene Wilson
pp. 334-346
PY11053'Community navigators': making a difference by promoting health in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Logan, Queensland
Saras Henderson and Elizabeth Kendall
pp. 347-354
PY11033 Reaching those with the greatest need: how Australian primary health care service managers, practitioners and funders understand and respond to health inequity
Toby Freeman, Fran Baum, Angela Lawless, Gwyn Jolley, Ronald Labonte, Michael Bentley and John Boffa
pp. 355-361
PY11040 Addressing inequities in access to primary health care: lessons for the training of health care professionals from a regional medical school
Sarah Larkins, Tarun Sen Gupta, Rebecca Evans, Richard Murray and Robyn Preston
pp. 362-368
PY11038 Exploring discourses of equity, social justice and social determinants in Australian health care policy and planning documents
Janette Young and Richard McGrath
pp. 369-377
PY11056 Working in partnership with vulnerable families: the experience of child and family health practitioners
Chris Rossiter, Cathrine Fowler, Nick Hopwood, Alison Lee and Roger Dunston
pp. 378-383
PY11057 Beyond the rhetoric: how can non-government organisations contribute to reducing health disparities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
Lisa Wood, Trevor Shilton, Lyn Dimer, Julie Smith and Timothy Leahy
pp. 384-394