Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 16 Number 3 2010
PY09063Mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with chronic diseases
Monika Merkes
pp. 200-210
PY09064Preparing nurses for primary health care futures: how well do Australian nursing courses perform?
Helen Keleher, Rhian Parker and Karen Francis
pp. 211-216
PY10025Climate change and the possible health effects on older Australians
Arthur Saniotis and Rod Irvine
pp. 217-220
PY09078Evaluating the use of Enhanced Primary Care Health Assessments by general practices in north Queensland
Tracy Cheffins, Margaret Spillman, Clare Heal, Debbie Kimber, Maureen Brittain and Michele Lees
pp. 221-223
PY10009Nurse–patient encounters in general practice: patterns in general practitioner involvement and use of nurse-specific Medicare items
Catherine M. Joyce and Leon Piterman
pp. 224-230
PY09071The photovoice method: researching the experiences of Aboriginal health workers through photographs
Alice Wilkin and Pranee Liamputtong
pp. 231-239
PY10006'Not the full Monty': a qualitative study of seniors' perceptions of generic medicines in Western Australia
Caroline Bulsara, Anne McKenzie, Frank Sanfilippo, C. D'Arcy J. Holman and Jon E. Emery
pp. 240-245
PY10002A picture speaks a thousand words: evaluation of a pictorial post-vaccination care resource in Australia
Hammad Ali, Holly Seale, Kirsten Ward and Nicholas Zwar
pp. 246-251
PY09074A response to patient-initiated aggression in general practice: Australian professional medical organisations face a challenge
Dagmar M. Ceramidas and Rhian Parker
pp. 252-259
PY09081Investigating referral pathways from primary care to consumer health organisations
Charlotte E. Young, Allyson J. Mutch, Frances M. Boyle and Julie H. Dean
pp. 260-267
PY10004Family food work: lessons learned from urban Aboriginal women about nutrition promotion
Wendy Foley
pp. 268-274