Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 4 Number 1 1998
PY98002 Contradictory Effects of Social Support in Rehabilitation
Gregory Murphy and Amanda Young
pp. 8-17
PY98003The Sociological Implications of Voluntary Redundancy: The South Australian Experience
Carolyn Coombs
pp. 18-36
PY98005Community-based Health Promotion: An Analysis of Projects Conducted by Divisions of General Practice
Lucio Naccarella
pp. 49-57
PY98006Primary Health Care Response to the Treatment of Chronic Diarrhoea in Aboriginal Children
Rosemary Badenoch
pp. 58-65
PY98008Delivering Health Services for Ethnic Minorities in Regional Australia
Lorna Moxham and Shane Pegg
pp. 72-77
PY98012 Book Reviews: 'An Easeful Death? Perspectives on Death, Dying and Euthanasia', 'Meditation: Pure & Simple', 'After Suicide: Help for the Bereaved', 'Clinical Psychology: Profession and Practice in Australia'
Noel C. Schultz, Anne Symons, Maureen Symons, Helen Cleak and John Farhall
pp. 95-99