Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 3 Number 1 1997
PY97003Women Who are Older and Access to Medication Information
Carol Grbich, Charlotte de Crespigny and Jennifer Watson
pp. 16-25
PY97004An Evaluation of a Diabetes 'Shared Care' Program in a Rural Division of General Practice
Jane Pirkis, Leonie Segal, David Dunt, Tracey Orr, Terree Parsons and Greg Mossop
pp. 26-35
PY97005Self Help, Not Self Pity': Caring for People with Diabetes in a Voluntary Organisation
Elica Ristevski and Heather Gardner
pp. 36-53
PY97007Breast for Me: A Developmental Health Education Strategy for Women with a Disability
Maggie O'Shea
pp. 66-71
PY97009A Community Health Information Model: The Basis of a Partnership in Information System Development
Julie Bargenquast
pp. 76-81
PY97010Working 'With' Communities, Not 'On' Them: A Changing Focus for Local Government Health Planning in Queensland
Paula Chapman and Peter Davey
pp. 82-91
PY97013Book Reviews: 'The Use of Testosterone Implants for Women', 'Primary Health Care', 'Quality Supervision: Theory and Practice for Clinical Supervisors'
Sue Farnan, Debbie Smith, Jennifer Gold and Lindy McAllister
pp. 108-112