Australian Journal of Primary Health
Volume 11 Number 2 2005
Reflections on the Primary Health Care Sector in Australia
PY05016After-hours service models in Queensland Australia: A framework for sustainability
Lisa Crossland and Craig Veitch
pp. 9-15
PY05017The role of empowerment through life skills development in building comprehensive primary health care systems in Indigenous Australia
Komla Tsey, Helen Travers, Teresa Gibson, Mary Whiteside, Yvonne Cadet-James, Melissa Haswell-Elkins, Janya McCalman and Andrew Wilson
pp. 16-21
PY05018Clinical governance in community health care settings: Evidence and issues
Hal Swerissen and Lucinda Jordan
pp. 26-31
PY05022The impact of Aboriginal community controlled health service advocacy on Aboriginal health policy
Ben Bartlett and John Boffa
pp. 53-61
PY05023 Reflections on integrating mental health into primary health care services in remote Indigenous communities in Far North Queensland and the Northern Territory
Melissa Haswell-Elkins, Ernest Hunter, Tricia Nagel, Carolyn Thompson, Brenda Hall, Robert Mills, Rachael Wargent, Komla Tsey, Leanne Knowles and Yvonne Wilkinson
pp. 62-69
PY05024Chronic Condition Self-Management: A primary health care change management problem
Susan Lambert
pp. 70-77
PY05025Alternatives to for-profit corporatisation: The view from general practice
Rob Anderson, Phil Haywood, Tim Usherwood, Marion Haas and Jane Hall
pp. 78-86
PY05026Primary care patients' views on why they present to Emergency Departments: Inappropriate attendances or inappropriate policy?
Peter Siminski, Sue Cragg, Rebekkah Middleton, Malcolm Masso, Luise Lago, Janette Green and Kathy Edgar
pp. 87-95
PY05027Developing evidence-based practice in population health at the local level: Qualitative insights can complement quantitative needs assessment.
Armita Adily, Wendell Peacock and Jeanette Ward
pp. 96-105
PY05028Improving general practice survey response rates: Bells (primers), whistles (reminders) and carrots (incentives).
Claire Harris, Neil Day, Doris Young, Maria Potiriaids, Donna Southern and David Dunt
pp. 106-112
PY05029Moving towards meaningful local population health data: The service provider perspective
Denise Ruth, Rosalind Hurworth and Nabil Sulaiman
pp. 113-119
PY05030General practice capacity for behavioural risk factor management: A SNAP-shot of a needs assessment in Australia
Cheryl Amoroso, Coletta Hobbs and Mark F Harris
pp. 120-127
PY05031Capacity building initiatives within the Divisions of General Practice setting in Victoria, Australia.
Lucio Naccarella, Theonie Tacticos, Jane Sims and Maria Potiriadis
pp. 128-135
PY05032The development of a Health Promotion Community Participation Framework
Lorraine Llewellyn-Jones and David Harvey
pp. 136-146
PY05033Barriers to the provision of home and community care services to culturally and linguistically diverse populations in rural Australia
Bernadette Ward, Julie Ellis and Karen Anderson
pp. 147-155
PY05034 Book Reviews: 'Neighbourhoods and Health', 'Globalising Inequalities: New Patterns of Social Privilege & Disadvantage', 'Qualitative Research Methods (2nd edition)'
Priscilla Robinson and Neil Harris
pp. 156-160