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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Stress and Health Implications

Vicki Kotsirilos

Australian Journal of Primary Health 4(3) 173 - 178
Published: 1998


The aim of this paper is to review the current literature of the effects of stress on health, including other factors, such as lifestyle and loneliness. It also aims to explore methods of dealing with stress. Stress plays a large role in, and is the basis of many medical conditions, and appears to be the common cause of relapse towards unhealthy behavior patterns. Chronic stress may manifest as: a number of physical and psychosocial symptom presentations; unhealthy behaviour patterns; immune system dysfunction; and some medical conditions. A number of techniques can be used to help alleviate stress, for example, meditation. Apart from stress, other factors known to precipitate or aggravate illnesses include: social isolation (loneliness); a lack of love, meaning and purpose in life; a lack of joy, humour and laughter; a lack of expression of emotions; and negative attitudes and belief system. Studies demonstrate that the mind has a direct influence on the physical body. There is good evidence that optimism, hope and a sense of control can improve the quality of a person's life and their health.

© La Trobe University 1998

Committee on Publication Ethics

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