Community healthcare system and its practice for Indigenous elders in Taiwan
Hui-Chuan Chiu
In 2017, Taiwan launched a dedicated long-term care plan for Indigenous peoples, enhancing tribal cultural health stations. By 2018, the Indigenous Council introduced a cultural safety mentoring program for caregivers, aiming to improve their cultural sensitivity in providing elder care. This article reviews practical experiences documented in the Indigenous culture care curriculum, examining examples of culturally sensitive care and proposing an elder care model suitable for Indigenous communities based on the findings. The development of social safety policies for Indigenous peoples underscores the critical role of cultural health stations in their welfare. Insights from these stations highlight their adaptation to meet local elders’ needs while respecting diverse tribal cultures. Challenges include aligning with policies, training caregivers effectively and ensuring operational efficiency. Addressing these issues requires stable caregiver salaries, proficiency in ethnic languages, and training programs to enhance professionalism and preserve elders’ traditional knowledge. Integrating this wisdom into future policies, along with collaboration with cultural experts, will build a robust foundation for future generations.
Keywords: community healthcare, culture care, Indigenous health services, long-term care, primary health care, suburban health services.
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