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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Supporting Mental Health in the Community: New Systems for General Practice

Anne Sved Williams and Jill Poulton

Australian Journal of Primary Health 12(2) 105 - 112
Published: 2006


General practitioners (GPs) manage nearly one-third of Australians seeking help for mental health problems, and frequently express their need for consultant psychiatric support in this work. The introduction of new Medical Benefits Schedule Item Numbers 291 and 293 to provide "one-off" psychiatric assessments on referral from GPs offered the potential for providing this support, and a single point-of-entry scheme was organised to provide ease of access to appointments. The aims were to establish a single point of entry for psychiatrist assessment using Item 291, to evaluate the take-up rates of Item 291 in South Australia (SA) through this service and to evaluate the acceptability to GPs and psychiatrists of a psychiatric primary care consultation-liaison (c-l) model. Results were: 26 psychiatrists joined the project; 64 GPs referred 78 patients for assessment, providing 24% of the Australian take-up rate for Item 291, for 8% of the population; evaluation showed high approval ratings from GPs who particularly appreciated the single contact point; and positive evaluation by psychiatrists of the primary care c-l model. The conclusions were that a single contact point provided ease of access to psychiatrists for GPs; GP and psychiatrist groups evaluated Item 291 very positively; and consumer and carer evaluation are essential for further primary care c-l development.

© La Trobe University 2006

Committee on Publication Ethics

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