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Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Society
The issues influencing community health services and primary health care

Factors affecting Medicare affordability

Hal Swerissen and Lucinda Jordan

Australian Journal of Primary Health 10(3) 144 - 150
Published: 2004


The Commonwealth Government, currently, does not have a primary health care policy. Instead, policy is heavily focused on general practitioners (GPs) and, in particular, on payment arrangements. Since 2000 bulk-billing rates have declined significantly in Australia, raising concerns about affordability and access to health care. This paper examines the relationship between affordability, health need, the supply of GPs, and capacity to pay. Bulk-billing and per capita consultation rates are likely to be higher and co-payments lower in areas where GP supply is higher, health needs are high and capacity to pay is low. Implications for the Commonwealth Government?s new MedicarePlus package are also discussed in light of the findings.

© La Trobe University 2004

Committee on Publication Ethics

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