Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 15 Number 3 1962
PH620354A Radio Survey of the Southern Milky Way at a Frequency of 1440 Mc/s. I. The Isophotes and the Discrete Sources
DS Mathewson, JR Healey and JM Rome
pp. 354-368
PH620369A Radio Survey of the Southern Milky Way at a Frequency of 1440 Mc/s. II. The Continuum Emission from the Galactic Disk
DS Mathewson, JR Healey and JM Rome
pp. 369-377
PH620437Source Corrections to the Sydney Radio Source Survey Catalogue
ER Hill and BY Mills
pp. 437-440
PH620441On Klemens and Lowenthal's Paper on Deviations from Matthiessen's Rule
RJ Berry and DR Lovejoy
pp. 441-443