Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 12 Number 1 1959
PH590021The Photoneutron Cross Section of 9Be in the Intermediate Energy Range
HH Thies, BM Spicer and JEE Baglln
pp. 21-29
PH590077The Detection of Time-correlated Photons by a Coincidence Counter
RQ Twiss and AG Little
pp. 77-93
PH590097Observations of Faculae Bordering Small Sunspots Near the Limb
RE Loughhead and RJ Bray
pp. 97-99
PH590103The 58Ni(n,p)58Co, 58Ni(n,2n)57Ni, and 58Ni(n,np)57Co Cross Sections at 14·1 MeV
KH Purser and EW Titterton
pp. 103-105