Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 8 Number 4 1955
PH550474The Distribution of Radio Brightness over the Solar Disk at a Wavelength of 21 Centimetres. III. The Quiet Sun ? Two-Dimensional Observations
WN Christiansen and JA Warburton
pp. 474-486
PH550487Solar Brightness Distribution at a Wavelength of 60 Centimetres. I. The Quiet Sun
G Swarup and R Parthasarathy
pp. 487-497
PH550508Rotation and Other Motions of the Magellanic Clouds from Radio Observations
FJ Kerr and G de Vaucouleurs
pp. 508-522
PH550567Information on Energy Levels in 8Be from Neutron Energy Spectra
JR Bird and RH Spear
pp. 567-572