Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 7 Number 2 1954
PH540254On the Optical Properties of Components for Birefringent Filters
RG Giovanelli and JT Jefferies
pp. 254-267
PH540284The Response of a Sodium Iodide Scintillation Counter to 18 MeV g-Radiation
JG Campbell and AJF Boyle
pp. 284-287
PH540288The Measurement and Reduction of Distortion in Thick Emulsions
VD Hopper, YK Lim and Madeline C Walters
pp. 288-296
PH540297Observations of the 21 cm Line from the Magellanic Clouds
FJ Kerr, JV Hindman and BJ Robinson
pp. 297-314
PH540350 On the Photodisintegrations 6Li(g,d)4He and 6Li(g,t)3He
EW Titterton and TA Brinkley
pp. 350-351