Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 31 Number 5 1978
PH780377Determination of Maximum Safe Bombarding Energies and B(E3) Values in Reorientation Experiments with 204Pb, 206Pb and 208Pb
RH Spear, TH Zabel, AM Baxter, MP Fewell, S Hinds, AMR Joye and DC Kean
pp. 377-382
PH780421Finite Ligand Size and Sternheimer Antiscreening in Lanthanide Ions
S Ahmad and DJ Newman
pp. 421-426
PH780455Equations for Pulsar Magnetospheres with Particle Inertia
RR Burman and L Mestel
pp. 455-458
PH780459Corrigendum: Thermal Instability of a Partially Ionized Plasma
RC Sharma and KC Sharma
pp. 459-460