Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 30 Number 2 1977
PH770133Vibrational Excitations in the Even-mass Cadmium Isotopes
RH Spear, JP Warner, AM Baxter, MT Esat, MP Fewell, S Hinds, AMR Joye and DC Kean
pp. 133-148
PH77014912C + 16O Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction Cross Sections Near the Coulomb Barrier
BN Nagorcka, GD Symons, PB Treacy and IC Maclean
pp. 149-166
PH770187Observations of Neutral Hydrogen in Bright Southern Galaxies
JB Whiteoak and FF Gardner
pp. 187-208
PH770209The Molonglo Deep Sky Survey of Radio Sources. I. Declination Zone -20°
JG Robertson
pp. 209-230
PH770251 On Space-like Geodesics in Two Special Gravitational Fields
A Banerjee and SB Dutta Choudhury
pp. 251-256
PH770257Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement
Alan E Wright, Ann Savage and JG Bolton
pp. 257-258