Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 29 Number 3 1976
JL Cook, EK Rose and GD Trimble
pp. 125-138
PH760139A Search for an Excited Kp=0+ Rotational Band in 24Mg
D Branford, LE Carlson, FCP Huang, N Gardner, TR Ophel and IF Wright
pp. 139-148
PH760157 keV Neutron Resonance Capture in Barium-137
AR de L Musgrove, BJ Allen, JW Boldeman and RL Macklin
pp. 157-164
PH760165On the Semi-classical Method for Electron Scattering by Atoms
BH Bransden and CJ Noble
pp. 165-170
PH760183A Long-range Ocean Radar for Ocean Surface Studies using Backscatter Via the Ionosphere
JF Ward and PE Dexter
pp. 183-194
PH760195Massive Scalar Field: Source of the Graviton and 'Strong Gravity'
JR Rao, RN Tiwari and BK Nayak
pp. 195-200
PH760211Observations of Interstellar CH at 9 cm Wavelength
FF Gardner, BJ Robinson and MW Sinclair
pp. 211-226
PH760227Dual Absorptive Model and p-p Backward Elastic Scattering
M Saleem, Jawaid Irshad and Ghulam Rasul
pp. 227-230