Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 28 Number 6 1975
PH750659 Shell Structure of the Even Tellurium Isotopes and Inelastic Proton Scattering
P Nesci, R Smith, K Amos and HV Geramb
pp. 659-664
PH750665Effect of Nonlinear Level Crossing on the Output of a Gas Laser
BK Mohanty and N Nayak
pp. 665-674
PH750675Experimental Observations of the Diffusion Cooling of Electrons in Argon
T Rhymes and RW Crompton
pp. 675-684
PH750707Debye?Waller Factors of a-Iron and Sodium. II. Willis's Anharmonic Theory
LP Pathak, Jyoti Prakash, VP Singh and MP Hemkar
pp. 707-714