Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 28 Number 5 1975
PH750489Statistics of Fission Widths for Partly Open Fission Channels
JL Cook and EK Rose
pp. 489-494
PH750503A Study of Resonances in the 58Ni(p, ?)59Cu Reaction below 2ยท15 MeV
GU Din and AM Al-Naser
pp. 503-522
PH750557Downhole Induced-polarization Detection of Ore Bodies: Conductive Overburden Effects
LJ Gleeson and Y-C Thio
pp. 557-574
PH7506335000 MHz Flux Densities and Spectra for 325 Small-diameter Radio Sources at Low Galactic Latitudes
JL Caswell, RF Haynes and DH Clark
pp. 633-646
PH750647A Continuous Spectrum Analyser for Analogue Analysis of ULF Tape Recorded Data
PW McNabb and BJ Fraser
pp. 647-650
PH750651Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement
DH Clark, JL Caswell and Anne J Green
pp. 651-652