Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 28 Number 3 1975
PH750247Differential Cross Sections for the 13C(3He, p0) and 15N(3He, p0) Reactions at 15 MeV
J Havloujian, G Ravalli and BM Spice
pp. 247-250
PH750251Gamma Decays, Lifetimes and Spins of 47V Excited States
JV Thompson, RAI Bell, LE Carison and MR Najam
pp. 251-262
PH750289Drift of a Charged Particle in a Static Magnetic Field Having a Power Law Dependence
M Headland and PW Seymour
pp. 289-306
PH750315Molecular Dynamics Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Methane
HJM Hanley and RO Watts
pp. 315-324
PH750325Measurements of the Circular Polarization of Radio Sources at Frequencies of 0·63, 1·4, 5·0 and 8·9 GHz
JA Roberts, RS Roger, J-C Ribes, DJ Cooke, JD Murray, BFC Cooper and F Biraud
pp. 325-352
PH750353Non-existence of Axially Symmetric Massive Complex Scalar Fields
JR Rao, HS Panda and BK Nayak
pp. 353-356
PH750357Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplements
FF Gardner, JB Whiteoak and D Morris
pp. 357-358