Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 28 Number 2 1975
PH750127A Particle?Hole?Rotator Coupling Model for the Giant Resonance of Carbon-12
Anne McDougall and BM Spicer
pp. 127-132
PH750141Total Yield Measurements in 23Na(p, g)24Mg
ZE Switkowski, R O'Brien, AK Smith and DG Sargood
pp. 141-154
PH750155Total Yield Measurements in 31P(p, g)32S
R O'Brien, ZE Switkowski, AK Smith and DG Sargood
pp. 155-162
PH750185Recombination Lines near 8·9 GHz of Strong Sources in the Southern Milky Way
RX McGee, Lynette M Newton and RA Batchelor
pp. 185-208
PH7502095 GHz Polarization Observations of 33 Galactic Radio Sources
DK Milne and JR Dickel
pp. 209-230
PH750231Zero-field Mobility for Electrons in Dry and Humid Air
HB Milloy, ID Reid and RW Crompton
pp. 231-234
PH7502356Li( d, d'): Direct Breakup Effects and Parameters of the First 2+ Level of 6Li
KH Bray, AD Frawley, TR Ophel and PB Treacy
pp. 235-238
PH750239 Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement
JG Bolton, AJ Shimmins and JV Wall
pp. 239-240
PH750239aThe Parkes 2700 MHz Survey (Eighth Part). Catalogue for the Declination Zone ?65° to ?75°
JG Bolton and PW Butler
pp. 239-240
PH750239bThe Parkes 2700 MHz Survey (Ninth Part). Supplementary Catalogue for the Declination Zone ?45° to ?65°
JV Wall, AJ Shimmins and JG Bolton
pp. 239-240
PH750239cThe Parkes 2700 MHz Survey (Tenth Part). Supplementary Catalogue for the Declination Zone +4° to +25°
AJ Shimmins, JG Bolton and JV Wall
pp. 239-240