Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 27 Number 4 1974
PH740481Nonlinear Thermal Convection in a Layer with Imposed Energy Flux
R Van der Borght
pp. 481-494
PH740511Supersonic Neutral Winds in an Outer Atmosphere. I. Isothermal Conditions
NE Gilbert and KD Cole
pp. 511-528
PH740529Supersonic Neutral Winds in an Outer Atmosphere. II. Effects of Variable Temperature
NE Gilbert and KD Cole
pp. 529-540
PH7405492700 MHz Polarization Observations of 17 Supernova Remnants
DK Milne and JR Dickel
pp. 549-562
PH740563Synthesis Observations of Southern Radio Sources at 1410 MHz with the Parkes Interferometer. II. Polarization and Brightness Distributions Across Seven Sources
UJ Schwarz, JB Whiteoak and DJ Cole
pp. 563-574
PH74057518 cm Observations of 19 New Southern OH Emission Sources
BJ Robinson, JL Caswell and WM Goss
pp. 575-596
PH740597 A 1667 MHz OH Absorption Survey of the Southern Milky Way
JL Caswell and BJ Robinson
pp. 597-628
PH740629Positions and 1665 MHz Line Profiles for 10 Northern OH Emission Sources
JL Caswell and BJ Robinson
pp. 629-636