Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 27 Number 3 1974
D Branford and JO Newton
pp. 293-300
PH740301Effect of Excited-state Decays on the Measured Angular Distribution of the 12C(g, p)11B Reaction
Judith M Dixon and MN Thompson
pp. 301-306
PH740307Stability and the Extended Energy Principle of Plasma Physics
PW Seymour and MK James
pp. 307-318
PH740319A Proposed Experimental Investigation of Transverse Stress Wave Propagation in Plasmas at Microwave Frequencies
EL Bydder and BS Liley
pp. 319-332
PH740357Ising Model on a Triangular Lattice with Three-spin Interactions. I. The Eigenvalue Equation
RJ Baxter and FY Wu
pp. 357-368
PH740411Generation of Solutions of the Brans?Dicke Equations
GE Sneddon and CBG McIntosh
pp. 411-416
PH74041722 GHz Observations of Southern H2O Sources
JL Caswell, RA Batchelor, RF Haynes and WK Huchtmeier
pp. 417-424
PH740425Microwave Emission of the 211?212 Rotational Transition in Interstellar Acetaldehyde
N Fourikis, MW Sinclair, BJ Robinson, PD Godfrey and RD Brown
pp. 425-430
PH740431The Parkes 2700 MHz Survey (Sixth Part). Catalogue for the Declination Zone ?30° to ?35°
AJ Shimmins and JG Bolton
pp. 431-432