Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 27 Number 2 1974
LE Carlson, MR Najam, WF Davidson, WM Zuk, RAI Bell and JV Thompson
pp. 147-156
PH740157The Effect of Velocity Gradients on Multi-level Atom Non-LTE Line Source Functions
IM Vardavas and CJ Cannon
pp. 157-168
PH740181The Propagation of Compressional Alfven Waves in Nonuniform Plasmas
R Morrow and MH Brennan
pp. 181-194
PH740195On the Theory of Electron Diffusion in Electrostatic Fields in Gases
HR Skullerud
pp. 195-210
PH740211Pressure Dependence and End Effects in Precision Ion Mobility Studies
MT Elford and HB Milloy
pp. 211-226
PH740249Variations of Spread-F Occurrence Rates at Near-equatorial Stations in the Australasian Zone
DG Cole and LF McNamara
pp. 249-258