Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 30 Number 1 1977
PH770015A Numerical Solution of Wave Equations for Real or Complex Eigenvalues
E Clayton and GH Derrick
pp. 15-22
PH770033An Improved Calculation of the Multiphoton Bremsstrahlung Process in the Presence of a Laser Beam
Rama Acharya and Man Mohan
pp. 33-38
PH770051The Ratio of the Lateral Diffusion Coefficient to Mobility for Electrons in Argon at 294 K
HB Milloy and RW Crompton
pp. 51-60
PH770061The Momentum Transfer Cross Section for Electrons in Argon in the Energy Range 0–4 eV
HB Milloy, RW Crompton, JA Rees and AG Robertson
pp. 61-72