Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 26 Number 5 1973
PH730575An Analysis of Inelastic Scattering to the 2+ State in 54Fe at 1ยท409 MeV
R Smith and K Amos
pp. 575-584
PH730585The Dynamic Collective Model Interpretation of the Photoneutron Cross Section of 181Ta
RS Hicks and BM Spicer
pp. 585-596
PH730617The Combined Effect of Rotation and Magnetic Field on Finite-Amplitude Thermal Convection
R Van der Borght and JO Murphy
pp. 617-644
PH730645Studies of D-Region Drifts During the Winters of 1970?72
TJ Stubbs and RA Vincent
pp. 645-660
PH730661Synthesis Observations of Southern Radio Sources at 1410 MHz with the Parkes Interferometer. I. Instrument, Reduction, and Preliminary Results
UJ Schwarz, DJ Cole and D Morris
pp. 661-674
PH730675Self-Consistent Approximation and Fifth Virial Coefficients for a Square Well Potential
RV Gopala Rao and K Narasimha Swamy
pp. 675-678
PH730685A Note on End Effects in Electron Drift Tube Experiments
MT Elford and AG Robertson
pp. 685-688
PH730689Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplements
M Davies, AG Little and BY Mills
pp. 689-690
PH730689bAustralian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplements
JG Bolton and AJ Shimmins
pp. 689-690