Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 26 Number 4 1973
PH730441A Note on Resonance Angular Distributions with Application to Nucleon?Antinucleon Scattering and Annihilation
DC Peaslee and DM Rosalky
pp. 441-448
PH730449T?Matrix Perturbation Theory in the Three?Nucleon Bound State
IR Afnan and JM Read
pp. 449-458
PH730459The Placement of the 188 keV Transition in 70Ga
LE Carlson, MR Najam, WF Davidson, JA Biggerstaff and PW Martin
pp. 459-468
PH730483Critical Phenomena in Systems of Finite Thickness. II. Ideal Bose Gas
Michael N Barber
pp. 483-500
PH730501Solution of Secular Determinants for Group IV And III?V Semiconductors by Symmetry Analysis
SJ Joshua and D Morgan
pp. 501-512
PH730551The Measurement of Statistical Properties of Radio Noise Using Pulse Techniques
RW Clay, DM McDonald and JR Prescott
pp. 551-556
PH730557A Search for Interstellar Molecular Lines in the Frequency Range 8·6 to 9·2 GHz
RA Batchelor, JW Brooks, PD Godfrey and RD Brown
pp. 557-560