Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 26 Number 3 1973
PH730279Calculation of the Prompt Gamma Energy of Individual Fission Fragments from the Prompt Neutron Numbers
Shankar Mukherji, KB Lal and Tejasvi Sharma
pp. 279-290
PH730291Possible Consequences of the Quark Model for Fragmentation Processes
CS Lai and SY Lo
pp. 291-300
PH730315Direct Reaction Inelastic Scattering to the 2? State of 16O Via a Nonlocal Interaction
F Ruzzene and K Amos
pp. 315-326
PH730341The Effect of Rotation on Nonlinear Thermal Convection
R Van der Borght and JO Murphy
pp. 341-358
PH7303798·8 GHz Radio Observations of 12 Suggested Supernova Remnants
JR Dickel, DK Milne, AR Kerr and JG Ables
pp. 379-388