Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 26 Number 2 1973
R Koch, DM Crawwford, K Bottcher and HH Thies
pp. 117-122
PH730123Application of the Hydromagnetic Energy Principle to a Plasma Between Electrodes
PW Seymour and MK James
pp. 123-134
PH730157Mobility and Diffusion. I. Boltzmann Equation Treatment for Charged Particles in a Neutral Gas
Kailash Kumar and RE Robson
pp. 157-186
PH730187Mobility and Diffusion. II. Dependence on Experimental Variables and Interaction Potential for Alkali Ions in Rare Gases
RE Robson and Kailash Kumar
pp. 187-202
PH730207Numerical Study of a Conjecture in the Self-avoiding Random Walk Problem
AJ Guitmann and MF Sykes
pp. 207-216
PH730225Cosmic Radio Noise Absorption and Hydrogen Emission in the Auroral Substorm
BP Kilfoyle and F Jacka
pp. 225-228
PH730249Application of Thermoluminescence Theory to the Investigation of Thermoremanent Magnetization Curves
R Chen and MF Westcott-Lewis
pp. 249-252
PH730267Corrigendum: Classification of Supernova Remnants and HII Regions from their Recombination Line Emission
JR Dickel and DK Milne
pp. 267-268