Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 21 Number 6 1968
PH680779On the Problem of Unresolved Resonances in Neutron Spectroscopy
AR de L Musgrove
pp. 779-792
PH680793Charge Exchange Collisions Involving Multielectron Atoms (Lithium and Sodium)
JG Lodge and RM May
pp. 793-802
PH680803States in 27Al and 89Y Using High Resolution Surface Barrier Counters
GM Crawley, DL Powell and BV Narasimha Rao
pp. 803-810
PH680811The Characteristic Loss Spectra of the Second and Third Series Transition Metals
MJ Lynch and JB Swan
pp. 811-816
PH6808815 GHz Continuum Radiation from Southern Hemisphere Galactic HII Regions
FF Gardner and M Morimoto
pp. 881-894
PH680903Accurate Positions and Identifications of 75 Radio Sources Between Declinations +20º and +27º
Jeannette K Merkelijn
pp. 903-916
PH680917Effect of Horizontal and Vertical Magnetic Fields on Kelvin?Helmholtz Instability
RC Sharma and KM Srivastava
pp. 917-922
PH680923 Effect of Horizontal and Vertical Magnetic Fields on Rayleigh?Taylor Instability
RC Sharma and KM Srivastava
pp. 923-930
PH680931Study of Combined Effect of Kelvin?Helmholtz Instability and Gravitational Instability on a Self?Gravitating Fluid Layer
C Uberoi and R Jayakaran Isaac
pp. 931-938
PH680941The Determination of Stacking Fault Energy by the Tetrahedron Method
P Humble and CT Forwood
pp. 941-944
PH680944Corrigendum: Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons from 56Fe
AR Majumder and HM Sen Gupta
pp. 944-944