Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 21 Number 3 1968
PH680307Gamma Radiation from the Reactions 20Ne(a, a´g1.63)20Ne and 20Ne(a, p?0.44)23Na
RH Spear and IF Wright
pp. 307-316
PH680317Directional Correlation of Gamma Rays in the Decay of 2·3 d 115Cd
MM Bajaj, SL Gupta and NK Saha
pp. 317-324
PH680337The Linear Polarization of Radiation from Jupiter at 6 cm Wavelength
D Morris, JB Whiteoak and F Tonking
pp. 337-340
PH680377The Parkes Catalogue of Radio Sources Declination Zone +20° to +27°
AJ Shimmins and GA Day
pp. 377-404
PH680405A Study of the 3·00 MeV Level of 27Al via 24Mg(a, p?)27Al
DC Kean, RV Elliott and RH Spear
pp. 405-408