Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 20 Number 1 1967
PH670047Proper Ties of a Laboratory Plasma Prepared with Combined Transverse and Longitudinal Currents
IG Brown, JA Lehane, IC Potter and CN Watson-Munro
pp. 47-58
PH670059Line Shapes of Low Levels in 8Be via the 9Be (p, d)8Be Reaction
HJ Hay, EF Scarr, DJ Sullivan and PB Treacy
pp. 59-66
PH670101Night-time Sferic Propagation at Frequencies Below 10 KHz
KJW Lynn and J Crouchley
pp. 101-108
PH670109Suggested Identifications for Weak Extragalactic Radio Sources Between Declinations 0° and ?20°
JG Bolton and Jennifer Ekers
pp. 109-116