Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 20 Number 6 1967
PH670625The Influence of Diffusion on the Townsend Discharge in a Uniform Electric Field
DS Burch and LGH Huxley
pp. 625-632
PH670683The Radiant Output of Grenade Glow Clouds in the Lower Thermosphere
ER Johnson, KH Lloyd, CH Low and LM Sheppard
pp. 683-696
PH670725Observations of Some Radio Sources Previously Identified with Clusters of Galaxies
HM Tovmassian and IG Moiseev
pp. 725-730
PH670609Inelastic Scattering of 3He from 6Li, 7Li, 10B, 19F, and 27Al at 10 MeV
KL Coop, JM Poate and EW Titterton
pp. 609-612
PH670613Optical Positions of Bright Galaxies South of +200 Declination
JR Glanfield and MJ Cameron
pp. 613-615