Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 42 Number 5 1989
Lloyd CL Hollenberg and Bruce HJ McKellar
pp. 471-474
PH890475Total Ionisation Cross Sections in e??H(2S) Scattering
KK Mukherjee, Keka Basu Choudhury, N Ranjit Singh, PS Mazumdar and S Brajamani
pp. 475-480
PH890519Effect of Small-scale Inhomogeneities on the Dispersive Properties of a Plasma
DB Melrose and DJ Percival
pp. 519-534
PH890535A Diffusion Reaction Technique for the Preparation of Thick Films of Cuprate Superconductors
SX Dou, HK Liu and CC Sorrell
pp. 535-540
PH890541A Dielectric Approach to High Temperature Superconductivity
J Mahanty and MP Das
pp. 541-544
PH890551Preparation and Microstructural Investigation of the High?Tc Superconductor Pb2Sr2Y0.5Ca0.5Cu308
TJ White, Z Barnea, P Goodman and DG Jensen
pp. 551-564
PH890565Correlation Effects of Third-order Perturbation in the Extended Hubbard Model
CZ Wei, HQ Nie, L Li and KY Zhang
pp. 565-572
PH890573Measurements of the Radio Refractive Index Structure Parameter C2n with a Microwave Refractometer in Tropical Latitudes
SBSS Sarma and PK Pasricha
pp. 573-580
PH890581A Search for Ultra-high-energy Gamma-ray Emission from Binary X-ray Systems
PG Edwards, D Ciampa, RW Clay and JR Patterson
pp. 581-590