Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 42 Number 1 1989
PH890011Constructing Large-basis Meson Wavefunctions from Perturbative Cavity Dynamics
Lloyd CL Hollenberg and Bruce HJ McKellar
pp. 11-24
PH890041Measurement of Reduced Electric Octupole Transition Probabilities, B(E3; 01??..31), for 118,120,122Sn
RH Spear, AM Baxter, SM Burnett and CL MiIler
pp. 41-46
PH890059Covariant Response Tensors for Spin Zero and Spin One Boson/Anti-Boson Plasmas
DRM WilIiams and DB Melrose
pp. 59-72
PH890073Experimental Studies of Plasma Confined in a Toroidal Heliac
BD Blackwell, SM Hamberger, LE Sharp and X-H Shi
pp. 73-100
PH890101Observation of Spatial Variations in the Energy Distribution Function for Steady-state Townsend Discharges
AB Wedding and LJ Kelly
pp. 101-112