Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 41 Number 1 1988
PH880019Magnetic Moments of Baryons in a Relativistic Constituent Quark Model
NE Tupper, BHJ McKellar and RC Warner
pp. 19-30
PH880031Charge Symmetry Breaking in Neutron-Proton Scattering above Pion Production Threshold
JA Niskanen and AW Thomas
pp. 31-36
PH880037Coulomb Excitation of the 41+ States of 194,196,198Pt
MP Fewell, GJ Gyapong and RH Spear
pp. 37-46
PH880063Nonlinear Bifurcations to Time-dependent Rayleigh?Benard Convection
JM Lopez and JO Murphy
pp. 63-84
PH880085Experimental Study of the Phase Transition in (CH2)8(NH3)2FeCl4-xBrx(x = 0, 1 and 2)
MA Ahmed, MM EI-Desoky and FA Radwan
pp. 85-91
PH880100Nonlinear Instability of Ion-cyclotron Whistlers in the Ionosphere
B Chakraborty, AK Sur and SN Paul
pp. 100-100