Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 40 Number 6 1987
DK Milne, JL Caswell, RF Haynes, MJ Kesteven, KJ Wellington and RS Roger
pp. 709-712
PH870713Old Supernova Remnants: Structure and Source of Radio Emission
AP Glushak, AV Kovalenko, SM Kutuzov, AV Pynzar' and VA Udal'tsov
pp. 713-724
PH870725Daily Observations of Three Period Jumps of the Vela Pulsar
PM McCulloch, AR Klekociuk, PA Hamilton and GWR Royle
pp. 725-730
PH870755Radio Emission Model of a 'Typical' Pulsar
AZ Kazbegi, GZ Machabeli and G Melikidze
pp. 755-766
PH870767Relationship between Supernova Type and Their Remnants
TA Lozinskaya and NN Chugaj
pp. 767-770
PH870789Models for the Emission Line Spectra of Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnants
Michael A Dopita
pp. 789-800
PH870801Nonstationary Phenomena in the Radiation of Young Supernova Remnants
VP Ivanov and KS Stankevich
pp. 801-814
PH870837Spatial Distribution of Pulsars and Supernova Remnants
AO Allakhverdiyev, OH Guseinov and IM Yusifov
pp. 837-846
PH870847Correlation Properties of a Short Scale Microstructure of Pulsar Radio Emission within a 100 kHz Bandwidth
LI Gurvits, OA Kuzmin, MV Popov and TV Smirnova
pp. 847-854
PH870855Supernova Remnants with Jets
MJ Kesteven, JL Caswell, RS Roger, DK Milne, RF Haynes and KJ Wellington
pp. 855-860