Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 40 Number 3 1987
MA Morrison, RW Crompton, Bidhan C Saha and ZLj Petrovic
pp. 239-282
PH870283The Possibility of Meson-Lepton and Dilepton Resonances
SR Choudhury, GC Joshi, BHJ McKellar and EW Vogt
pp. 283-298
PH870347A Swarm Experiment in He–H2 Mixtures to Examine Vibrational Excitation of H2 by Electron Impact
ZLj Petrovic and RW Crompton
pp. 347-354
PH870355The Mobility of Li+ Ions in Helium at 294 K and High E / N Values
JP England and MT Elford
pp. 355-366
PH870383Spatial Non-uniformity in Discharges in Low Pressure Helium and Neon
J Fletcher and PH Purdie
pp. 383-392
PH870413Interaction Potential of a Charged Particle in a Plane?Sphere Geometry
J Mahanty and MT Michalewicz
pp. 413-422
PH870459Diffuse Background X Rays and the Density of the Intergalactic Medium
David F Crawford
pp. 459-464