Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 39 Number 3 1986
B Eckhardt, JA Louw and W-H Steeb
pp. 331-338
PH860339The Large Numbers Hypothesis and a Relativistic Theory of Gravitation
YK Lau and SJ Prokhovnik
pp. 339-346
PH860369Excitation Function for 16O+24Mg Elastic Scattering at ?c.m. = 90°
PV Drumm, DF Hebbard, TR Ophel, J Nurzynski, Y Kondo, BA Robson and R Smith
pp. 369-378
PH860379Experimental Study of Noise Temperature and Conversion Loss of SIS Junction Mixers
JC Macfarlane, LB Whitbourn and RA Batchelor
pp. 379-394
PH860395Interpretation of Backscattered HF Radio Waves from the Sea
GRS Naylor and RE Robson
pp. 395-400
PH860433Scattering of Pulsar Radiation and Electron Density Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium
SK Alurkar, OB Slee and AD Bobra
pp. 433-448