Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 39 Number 1 1986
PH860015Excitation of Swift Heavy Ions in Foil Targets. II. X-radiation from Br
HJ Hay, LF Pender and PB Treacy
pp. 15-24
PH860035The LT-4 Tokamak. II. MHD Activity
AD Cheetham, SM Hamberger, JA How, H Kuwahara, AH Morton and LE Sharp
pp. 35-56
PH860071Experimental Determination of the Imaging Properties of a 200 kV Electron Microscope
SR Glanvill, AF Moodie, HJ Whitfield and IJ Wilson
pp. 71-92
PH860099Finite Element Calculations for Non-radial Oscillations of Stars
RAS Fiedler and AL Andrew
pp. 99-102
PH860103Flux Densities, Spectra and Variability of Pulsars at Metre Wavelengths
OB Slee, SK Alurkar and AD Bobra
pp. 103-114
PH860115Corrigendum: Numerical Simulations of Large-scale Solar Magnetic Fields
CR DeVore, NR Sheeley Jr, JP Boris, TR Young Jr and KL Harvey
pp. 115-116