Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 38 Number 6 1985
PH850791Future Techniques and Instrumentation in Solar?Stellar Physics
Jacques M Beckers
pp. 791-798
PH850845The Influence of Magnetic Fields on Convective Motions in the Outer Layers of the Sun
R Van der Borght and P Fox
pp. 845-854
PH850855The Cancellation of Magnetic Flux. I. On the Quiet Sun
SHB Livi, J Wang and SF Martin
pp. 855-874
PH850929The Cancellation of Magnetic Flux. II. In a Decaying Active Region
SF Martin, SHB Livi and J Wang
pp. 929-960
PH850999Numerical Simulations of Large-scale Solar Magnetic Fields
CR DeVore, NR Sheeley Jr, JP Boris, TR Young Jr and KL Harvey
pp. 999-1008
PH851045The Sunspot Cycle and Solar Magnetic Fields. I. The Mechanism as Inferred from Observation
Ronald G Giovanelli
pp. 1045-1066
PH851067The Sunspot Cycle and Solar Magnetic Fields. II. The Interaction of Flux Tubes with the Convection Zone
Ronald G Giovanelli
pp. 1067-1090