Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 38 Number 3 1985
Sylvia L Mair and Stephen W Wilkins
pp. 249-262
PH850263A Brief History of Fourier Methods in Crystal-structure Determination
CA Beevers and H Lipson
pp. 263-272
PH850311The Two-state Problem in Diffraction, NMR and Laser Atomic Spectroscopy
AF Moodie, SW Wilkins, TJ Bastow and P Hannaford
pp. 311-318
PH850337A Neutron Spectrometer with a Two-dimensional Detector for Time-resolved Studies
BP Schoenborn, AM Saxena, M Stamm, G Dimmler and V Radeka
pp. 337-352
PH850359Solid State Track Detectors: Applications to Fission Related Studies
Sohan L Koul
pp. 359-370
PH850413Crystal Structure of Triclinic Colchiceine Hemihydrate
Maureen F Mackay, James D Morrison and Jacqueline M Gulbis
pp. 413-420
PH850427Wavelength Dependence of Moderate Extinction Effects in an Extended-face Crystal of Cadmium Selenide
Andrew W Stevenson and Zwi Barnea
pp. 427-436
PH850437Electron Microscope Images of Icosahedral and Cuboctahedral (f.c.c. Packing) Clusters of Atoms
JC Barry, LA Bursill and JV Sanders
pp. 437-448
PH850449Burgers Vectors in Secondary Grain Boundary Dislocation Structures for near S9, S27 and S81 Boundaries
CT Forwood and LM Clarebrough
pp. 449-470
PH850497Solving Crystal Structures from Powder Diffraction Data
A Nørlund Christensen, MS Lehmann and M Nielsen
pp. 497-506